Welcome! Who are we? One Nation United is a nonpartisan, nonprofit 501c4 public educational umbrella group representing concerned citizens, community organizations, state and national trade groups, local governments, businesses large and small, agriculture and law enforcement leaders, and elected officials in thirty-nine states across America. Founded in 1989 in Washington State as United Property Owners, we merged two years ago with One Nation of Oklahoma to become One Nation United. ONU represents more than 300,000 American citizens who have joined together to defend our private property rights, protect the free enterprise system, and reform seriously flawed federal Indian policy for the benefit of Indians and non-Indians alike. See ONU "Statement of Principles" and "Our Key Issues" for further details about our national organization. We invite you to join as a member of ONU today!
Is it right
for the Federal Government
to be subsidizing a business that competes with your business? Or competes with your employer? Or the company that pays your retirement benefits? It's happening all across the country - gas stations in New York, grocery stores in Oklahoma, and restaurants in Nebraska.
Is it right for the Federal Government
to be acquiring thousands of acres of prime commercial property and removing it from taxation by local government? It's going on right now in small towns like Santa Ynez, California, and entire counties like Douglas County, Oregon.
Is it right for the Federal Government
to be entering into large commercial ventures that are exempt from all local taxation, zoning rules, health, and environmental regulations? It's happening nationwide now, including Snohomish County in Washington State where a tribe owns a large shopping mall.
Is it right for the Federal Government
to ignore local minimum wage and sexual harassment laws? It has already happened in Placer County, California
Some of you are saying to yourself, "That's nuts - the Feds don't do that!!" But the Feds are doing it!!- The Feds are acting through the out-of-control Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs.
States, counties, cities, and individual citizens are being deprived of a voice in decisions that shape the future of their communities. Acting under the sanction and encouragement of the Federal Government, Indian tribes buy land, move it off the tax rolls, and build large casinos and other development projects that are completely contrary to local land use and environmental rules. The Environmental Protection Agency has even given Indian tribes environmental rule-making authority over off-reservation private lands and businesses.
Seventy-year-old legislation that was intended to help individual Indians become self sustaining farmers has been twisted by a corrupt government agency to dole out extreme wealth to a few individuals while truly needy reservation Indians are still living on dirt floors without electricity or indoor plumbing.
The Abramoff lobbying scandal was just a small indication of the widespread corruption and power brokering going on within the Department of the Interior. Billions of tax-free gambling dollars are being used to buy influence, not just with paid lobbyists, but with "contributions" to elected officials that are far in excess of those allowed for any other group of people or non-Indian business.
Major national news reports have been published, starting with TIME Magazine and more recently in the Wall Street Journal and Los Angeles Times, describing how tribal government actions are causing soil erosion, water shortages, snarled traffic, increased crime, bankrupt neighboring businesses, and dramatically reduced property values in communities that host Indian gambling.
Sadly, America's political system is "For Sale" to the highest bidder. Our voices are too often drowned out by millions of dollars in tax-exempt tribal money.
But, One Nation United is making progress in stopping this expansion of tribal/ BIA businesses and influence.
In the courts, several major lawsuits have been decided in our favor, ranging from a win on tribes being required to follow state campaign finance laws to the decision that a tribe cannot block development of a power plant on so-called "sacred" lands. In New York, Indian land claims were soundly rejected in a precedent setting case. We must continue to aggressively pursue these legal actions.
What has changed in 2016? Not much, the same issues are happening that have been going on for decades! While this website is no longer accepting donations you can call us to learn how you can help at (425) 301-2943. The website will most likely not be updated much in the future but we thought it was important to leave the site up for reference. As we move in to the election cycle in the US we want to remind you to get out and vote, YOU can make the difference! If you have questions about this website or would like to make updates contact Growth Marketing they are handling the SEO for this site.
We now have legislation
in Congress
that will end the "tribal loophole" in campaign financing!! Since the lobbying scandals got everyone's attention, now is the time to press home our arguments for a total reform of Federal Indian Policy. We hope to soon have additional legislation that will address more of our key issues.
Tribes need to be held to a reasonable standard of behavior, financial transparency, and accountability to their neighbors, their customers, their employees, and their tax-paying competitors.
Will you help us achieve this goal? We simply cannot allow the regulation of our lives, our businesses, and our properties by tribal governments in which we have no voice or vote. Please join One Nation United in calling on Congress to enact comprehensive reform of flawed federal Indian policy
We accept VISA and MasterCard credit cards, as well as checks and money orders. Please see our "Sign Up" page.
Call Us Monday - Friday (425) 301-2943
8:30am - 5pm Pacific Time
We do not send email on a predetermined schedule. We will send news items pertaining to Federal Indian Policy, occasional Press Releases, and updates on pending legislation.
To join, type your name and email address below and then click the Go button. (If you already receive email from us, there is no need to use this signup)
Chairman Emeritus:
Alan Montgomery, Washington
Kim Halvorson, Washington
National Director:
Barb Lindsay, Washington
Board of Directors: David Vickers, New York
Frank Messersmith, Florida
James Johnston, Ed.D., Washington
Dan Johnson, Idaho
Marianne Pender, Wisconsin
Marilyn Sherry, Washington
Rich Porter, Illinois
Cynthia Rasmussen, Washington
Advisory Committee: Chair: Chip Worthington, Founder, “Stop The Casino 101”, Rohnert Park, California Advisory Committee Members:
Honorable Wally J. Leimgruber, Imperial County Supervisor
District 5, El Centro, California
Honorable Nicholas H. Mullane, II, First Selectman, Town of North Stonington, Connecticut
Peg Carver, Chair, North Idaho Citizens Alliance, Harrison, Idaho
Dick Platfoot, Citizens Against CasinoGambling, Wapakoneta, Ohio
Bud Sant, Bud's Vaporizers Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Nancy Smeker, Menominee, Wisconsin
Tom and Patty Mitchell, Marysville, Washington
Elizabeth A. Campbell, Native American Policy Alliance, Seattle, Washington
Honorable Ron Briggs, El DoradoCounty Board of Supervisors, District IV, Placerville, CA
Walter W. Dimmers, President No Casino In Plymouth, Plymouth, California

President David Jaques and National Director Barb Lindsay |